like marble中文什么意思

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  1. Monte cristo took up his glass again as if nothing had happened ; his face was like marble , and his heart was like bronze
  2. Taking pvc resin as its main body , it is made with special pro - cessing technology . static electricity conductive net is formed between interface of pvc grain , which results in permanent anti - static performance . looking like marble , it has good decoration effects
    该新产品是以pvc树脂为主体,经特殊加工工艺制作而成, pvc粒子界面间形成导静电网络,具有永久性防静电功能。
  3. She was , as always in the evening , wearing a dress cut in the fashion of the day , very low in the neck both in front and behind . her bust , which had always to pierre looked like marble , was so close to his short - sighted eyes that he could discern all the living charm of her neck and shoulders , and so near his lips that he need scarcely have stooped to kiss it


  1. like looking for a needle in a haystack 什么意思
  2. like love is colder than death 什么意思
  3. like ma 什么意思
  4. like mad 什么意思
  5. like magic 什么意思
  6. like mike 什么意思
  7. like mike 2 什么意思
  8. like minded 什么意思
  9. like minded countries group 什么意思
  10. like most = like best 什么意思


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